

Electronics Industry

  • Categories:参考项目
  • Time of issue:2023-06-07 09:57:28
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1. Industry introduction

There are many classifications of electronic industry production processes, including integrated circuit production (microprocessor, memory, logic device, analog device), flat panel display production (LED/LCD, OLED, TN, VA, IP), silicon material production (monocrystalline silicon, polysilicon), optical fiber production, card industry, surface mount (SMT), separation device production (power one, two, three stage tubes, capacitors, resistors), complete machine assembly production (set-top boxes, digital projectors, electronic digital cameras), automatic control components production (sensors , executive agencies), etc


2. Industry air conditioning characteristics

1) Large space clean room, maintain positive pressure, high number of air changes, single new air conditioning unit air volume of 100000 to 180000CMH, high pressure head (fan full static pressure up to 3,000Pa)


2) The manufacturing process has high requirements for particle size concentration limits, and sets multiple filtration function sections such as winding initial effect, initial effect medium effect and high efficiency, and effectively removes dust suspended particles in the air.


3) Strictly control AMC in the process of liquid crystal panels, electronic semiconductor wafers, etc., such as SO2, NH3 and other harmful substances, and routinely need to set up water washing, spraying, washing, humidification and chemical filters


4) High-precision processing technology has high requirements for environmental temperature and humidity and control accuracy. Four-stage high-efficiency coil heat exchange, washing spray humidification, temperature and humidity independent control.


5) The full pressure of the fan is high, and the enthalpy difference in the air treatment process is large.


6) Choose high-efficiency fan motor, fan direct drive, motor IE3 and above energy efficiency level.


7) The unit has the same life cycle as the clean room, and the performance of the product is stable and the weather resistance is extremely high.


3. Special points in the electronics industry

1) The cooling load is much larger than that of clean rooms in other industries. Unit cooling load of 400w/m2~500 w/m2 is very common.


2) The maintenance structure requires very high rigor, and the structure is required to not produce dust and accumulate dust as much as possible. At present, the enclosure structure of the clean workshop is sandwich color steel plate, and the sandwich layer is rock wool, aluminum honeycomb, paper honeycomb, polyphenylene, polyurethane, etc., which are selected according to the nature of the plant and the owner's requirements. After adopting the above structure, the heat insulation of the clean room will be greatly strengthened, and it is difficult for the outside heat to enter the room through the enclosure structure, and it is difficult for the heat in the room to be transferred out through the maintenance structure;


3) The circulating air volume is large, and the air flow distribution is required to be uniform. The cleanliness of the clean room is by the three-stage filtration (primary, medium, high) clean air to dilute the polluted air in the room or use the piston effect to apply clean air to squeeze the polluted air out of the clean room method to achieve different degrees of cleanliness, so the air volume and airflow organization form of the clean air conditioning system is the key to ensure the cleanliness,

- non-unidirectional flow clean room is generally suitable for 6, 7, 8, 9 (that is, the original US federal standard 209E thousand, 10,000, 100,000), Clean rooms with low cleanliness requirements are diluted to achieve a certain degree of cleanliness, the required air volume is correspondingly small, and the value of the air supply volume is generally determined by the number of air changes per hour.

- The air volume of the clean room with unidirectional flow is determined by the flow rate of the clean room section. In any case, the main function of air volume calculation is to limit and reduce the contamination of the workpiece or working area by dust;


4) Temperature and humidity require high precision and constant. Because the manufacturing process of electronic products is extremely sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, the fluctuation of air parameters should be controlled within a very small range, so automatic control systems such as DDC, PLC, etc. have a non-negligible role in clean system control;


5) High number of air changes in clean room. The amount of fresh air replenishment is large. Because the process equipment of the electronic plant has a variety of properties of process exhaust, such as heat, acid, alkali, organic gas, etc. due to the large exhaust air volume, it requires a lot of fresh air to replenish and maintain the positive pressure of the room, so as to ensure that the indoor air is not polluted by the outside world. In order to maintain high cleanliness, a higher number of air changes are required to filter dust particles. In addition, due to the extremely large heat production and minimal moisture production in the clean room of the electronics industry, a large amount of fresh air is required to take away the heat


4. Huber & Ranners Design

1) Huber & Ranner has extensive Experience in combining high hygiene requirements in the pharmaceutical and medical sectors with high air Volume requirements in automotive Painting.


2) Super large air volume, high full pressure, high requirements for the mechanical performance of the unit. The air leakage rate, mechanical strength, heat transfer coefficient and cold bridge performance of Huber & Ranner units all meet the highest level requirements of European standard EN1886, and every detail of the product complies with the provisions of RLT (German Air Conditioning Industry Association).


3) The selection of the unit is designed using Eurovent-certified Klima-Manager software, all data are numerically simulated, and all parameters are reliable and accurate data; All the parts and materials of the unit have good channel control, and the source of all materials can be traced to ensure the safety and stability of the unit and the substitution of parts, and ensure the convenient maintenance of the unit.


4) MAU units in the electronics industry are basically uninterrupted throughout the year (except for the maintenance period), and the performance requirements for mechanical transmission parts are extremely high. For the electronics industry, Huber &Ranner conducts integral vibration damping tests, tests and corrections to ensure that the turbine vibration meets ISO 14694 before leaving the factory. Then the vibration test of the fan and motor is carried out by FAT\SAT to ensure the safe and reliable assembly of the unit


5) MAU deep dehumidification coil has a large number of rows and high pressure. The unit box is loaded into the unit by double rails, and the height direction of the unit is reinforced with pressure strips. It not only ensures the strength of installation, but also realizes the convenience of maintenance.


6) In view of the large air volume of MAU unit and the large dust holding capacity of the filter section, Huber & Ranner adopts multiple reinforcement designs. Under the pressure of 1500Pa, the strength load of the filter is required by German RLT and domestic related standards.


7) The washing and humidification adopt the outer wall plate design consistent with other functional sections, and the unit has a flat appearance, overall beauty, and better anti-condensation and water leakage functions


8) Huber & Ranner works closely with world-renowned electronic semiconductor manufacturers

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